CHAPS Equine Assisted Services | Donate Today
Consider donating to CHAPS today.
Your donation helps in a wide variety of ways. Operational funding provides funds for our lease, utilities, insurance, payroll, facility maintenance, etc. Equine care funds provide funding for veterinary care, hoof care, feed, grain, etc. Scholarship funds provide funds directly to clients for lessons in adaptive riding, adaptive carriage driving, equine assisted learning and equine facilitated psychotherapy.
CHAPS is also working to build an endowment fund this year!
This link will take you to a secure donation platform through Network for Good™.
Write a Check
Please send all checks to:
CHAPS Equine Assisted Services
PMB 201, 1590 Sugarland Dr, Ste B
Sheridan, WY 82801 -
Cows for a Cause
Participate in our Cows for a Cause Charitable Gift Program!
Donate a cow to our endowment fund! Give us a call or email info@chapswyo.org for more information.
Planned Giving
Planned giving is the act of making a commitment to give a charitable organization a major gift, over time or at death, as part of the donor’s overall financial and estate planning. Ask your financial planner about a planned gift to CHAPS.
Our Wishlist
Operational Funding
Scholarship Funding
for Seniors, Riding/Driving, and Veterans
Grass Hay
(small squares or large rounds)
Timothy Pellets
Back on Track Therapy Blanket - 84”
Pony sized Porta- Grazer
Portable Lean-To
Pole Bending set
Saddle Racks -
Donate Today!
Donate online with our secure platform at Network for Good. Click here to donate today!